Add KPIs as line items and steps to define its calculations. Can an admin user do it ?

There is a requirement where I need to give user/admin a feasibility to Add KPIs, define calculation steps. How can it be done ? Any suggestions? As per my understanding, if KPIs are my list items, then we cannot retain the calculations. KPIs need to be line items.


  • SriNitya
    edited April 2024

    If KPI's is list you can give access to user by FORM action to add items into list.
    In terms of calculations logics needs to be predefined in the backend but users cannot perform this as it is model builders role to write calculation logics in model.

  • Even if i write calculation logics in the backend will it retain my calculations as KPIs are not line items but dimensions

  • SriNitya
    edited April 2024

    @Harshi123 yes

    In the scenario I worked KPIs are mapped to employees later output shown is employees KPI Achievement % it worked.

    Give it a try.