Percentage comparison to previous year/month

Hello, i would like to have a comparision to a previous month or year on my KPI card. Is something like this possible?


  • KirillKuznetsov
    edited April 2024

    @Levin I think you cannot display two different numbers on one KPI card. I know that you can use a text card with a dynamic text feature to replicate this. But then the chart on the right is not possible there. You can put a smaller chart in a separate KPI card.

    This is the closest you can get to replicate your picture.

    Let me know if you need more detailed explanation

  • Thank you for your quick answer.

    But i think the disadvantage of the text is that it is not possible to show the change from the previous year in green (if positive) or red (if negative). There is no conditional formatting for text cards, or am I wrong?

  • KirillKuznetsov
    edited April 2024

    You are right. But you can add emojis to your text 🟢/⬆️ and🔴/⬇️ etc.