
I have already a production model and i need to create 2 models X and Y .

The X and Y models should be deployed and linked to the production using revision tags.

Therearefore, i copied the production model twice.

But when i pass a revision tag in the production i can only synchronize the Y model ( because it is the last copie of the production model).

Here is the error message i get when attempting to synchronize the X model ( the first copie of the production )

I am seeking to deploy and link both X and Y models to the production model.

What are the best practices i should follow?

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you

Best Answer

  • rob_marshall
    Answer ✓


    Make a copy of Production can call it Dev…Make a copy of Dev and call it UAT. Dev will now be able to sync to both UAT and Production.


  • @AmalmMahmoudi

    You can't have two sources of models linking to one production model. It has to be a 1:1 concept, not a many to 1 concept. In your instance, X would sync to Y which would sync to Production or better yet, X would sync to Y and X would sync to Production.

  • @rob_marshall

    Thank you for reponse.

    what is the solution to keep the X model linked to the production model?

    If i delete the Y model and copy the X model to get Y model, will it work ?

  • thank you Rob il will follow this steps.

    but now how to get my x model linked to production model again ? if i delete the Y model will it work?

    i can not start from the zero with my X model ( we work on it for months )

  • @AmalmMahmoudi

    if you sycn'd from your Y (my UAT) to Prod, X (Dev) can't be sync'd to Prod.

  • @AmalmMahmoudi - There can be a single dev model linked to multiple prod models(one to many) but only one prod model can be linked to one dev model(one to one).

    Linking of one dev model to multiple prod models is called the split model concept.