7.2.3 Activity: Import Data into Employee Details Module anaplan

Hi everyone, I'm stuck in this step and I can't move forward, when loading the database there is salary and commission as the sum of all and the other data are all the first data (in this case Shala)



  • All but two of the line items have different dimensionality to the module - check the "applies to", imports are simpler when all line items in a module have the same dimensions

  • I am still stuck in this issue, I dont undesrtand what i am doing wrong, please help me to understand.

    all the values for Shala are on all the differente employees

  • Hi Benjimen!

    First of all ! There is no need to have subsidiary View ! Remove the subsidiary View and reimport with correct mapping.

  • In the "Applies To" column of your module blueprint grid, an empty cell means no list dimensions, whereas "-" means default to the module's Applies To. I think you'll want them all to be "-"

  • Hi @ben_speight

    Yes ! In every lineItem , In Applies to Column there should be - Sign. post that all lineitems will have common dimension.

  • thanks!!!! it was the dimensions issue 😀