How can I unolock the locked Budget Version?


So we wrote a budget, had it approved and locked down as the Budget Version in Anaplan.

A few months later we decided to move some of our assets around, with an impact on the budget.

We would like to change our Budget Version to reflect these changes.

We can't unlock the Budget Version!

How do we do this?


Best Answer


  • How did you "lock" the version? Was it a DCA or bulk copy to budget version by a workspace admin?

    Should be able to see how the model is being locked and then undo that.

  • It was bg Bulk Copy.

    DCA is also in place, but having looked at it there us nk obvious lock in place.

    We do use Bulk copy of versions though.

    Thanks Andrew.

  • Has the budget version either got read access or the edit from/to got dates in it rather than none

  • Theres no 'edit' apparent, however there are to/from dates of:

    Edit From: Start of Timescale

    Edit To: End of Timescale



  • In the Users section have a look at the Roles → Versions element and see if any of the versions say read only for your user type. If you've got "Full Access" then this won't be applicable.

  • Thanks Andrew - this confirms our creating a 'Budget Version Write' role was a fair move.

    However: The 2 of us managing the system are both Sys Admins with Full Access. Neither of us could edit the Budget version!

    1. Could this have been to a DCA constraint we didn't spot?
    2. Is it worth creating a 'Maintenace' Role, with full write access but not Full Access? Wondering if it would have any advantage over Full Access - I cant think of any.
  • That sounds likely - should be relatively easy to figure out. What you presumably have done is go to the DCA line item and just drill-down until you get to the point where the version is locked - which will be when something becomes TRUE I would have thought.