SUM for two line items (in the same module) that have a common list format

edited May 2024 in Modeling


I'm trying to SUM two line items in a model - currently we have the below which works:

'[SUM: 'PL 1. P&L '] ….

As we want to SUM two line items in the module, we have tried the below (and other SUM formats) but failed with the comment the line items have the same list format. If somebody could advise it would be appreciated. (ERROR: Mappings have a common LIST format)

'[SUM: 'PL 1. P&L', 'PL1. P&LB] ….

'[SUM: 'PL 1. P&L]' + [SUM: 'PL1. P&LB] ….

(I've also tried creating a new module, and then summing this, but it still won't work)




  • In the 2nd example is the P&LB on a different dimension? Don't forget that when using SUM the reference field needs the same list format as the target module.

    Without seeing the whole line item hard to say where exactly it's going wrong.

    Have you tried just duplicating the original, so 1+1 and then just change the line you're summing. It should work

  • hi andrew, its using the same dimension (pretty much an exact replica). i've tried duplicating the original and adding that into the formula, and it still comes up with an error of 'invalid data types for '+' operator: ENTITY, NUMBER. Thanks

  • Can you share exactly the original and the changed?