Import into P3 SKU list


I am lost for this part. Where do I find the Build SKU?


  • @Solene In your task, you suppose to have a file to download on your PC. After that, you push the "Upload New File…" button on your screenshot and select this file to further map the settings.

  • Does it looks right ? I want to start L2 with good import ! Thanks

  • Check if you have distribution center data in your file. Load it using the same file and mapping it to SKU code.

    Apart from that, looks fine. You are good to start L2. Anyway, you will see in the beginning of the next lesson what you need to upload.

    Good luck!

  • The Build SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is typically associated with software products and can usually be found in several places depending on the context. Here are some common locations where you might find the Build SKU:

    1. Product Documentation:
      • The official documentation or user manual of the software often contains the SKU information. Check the sections related to product details or final grade calculator installation.
    2. Installation Media:
      • If you have physical or digital installation media (such as a CD, DVD, or download file), the SKU might be printed on the disc, the packaging, or within the README or installation files.