Supply chain model, need P3 SKU and SYS08 SKU


I need to import the sprint 1 model I did from Elevate APAC workspace, on another workspace (anaplan)> Error message , do you have any suggestion?

I need it to import P3 SKU et SYS08 SKU into the supply chain model for my level 2>


  • @Solene

    Are you sure you need an Import Model function for this?

    This type of error actually means that you may have enabled something called ALM to your model, which based on your profile, is way too early for you to learn.

    Could you share the requirements of your task?

    SYS08 module is an attribute module of SKU list. Any module usually would have one or many lists appied to it (or even without any list). SYS08 module should have one dimension "P3 SKU". Anaplan models consist of lists and modules. To import a module from one model to another you would have to prebuild a "storage" for this data in the new model. So SKU list and SKU module have to exist in the new model to load something in it.