How can I make a YTD average?

edited May 2024 in Modeling


I am looking to get a YTD calc but I cannot use the YEARTODATE function because I need an average, not a SUM.

And previous years should calculate according to their months (i.e. I would see a full 12 month avg for 2023, 5 month average for 2024).

My initial thought is to use TIMESUM but am having trouble setting it up.

Appreciate any help.



  • @DeepakK Can be done but depends on what the basis of the average is. For example, you are looking for the YTD average of sales. I would have the following line items / formula

    In Sales Transaction module

    Line Item


    Sales Counter


    Sales Value

    <This is data ingested>


    <Calculated Week Time Period>

    In module where you are doing your YEARTODATE function

    Line Item


    Sales Value

    Sales Transaction.Sales Value[SUM:Sales Transaction.Period]

    Sales Counter

    Sales Transaction.Sales Counter[SUM:Sales Transaction.Period]

    YTD Sales Value

    YEARTODATE(Sales Value)

    YTD Sales Counter

    YEARTODATE(Sales Counter)

    YTD Sales Average

    YTD Sales Value / YTD Sales Counter