Driver Line Item for UX Action Card - Not Working all of a sudden.

I've configured a series of UX action card with data write and Action runs driven by a driver line item . for approval workflows. All of a sudden the driver line items didnt seem to work and does not allow me to run the underlying process in the prod environment

The Load invoice pricing card triggers an action run based on a driver line item. I'm not able to run this action anymore through UX page. when I try to select the driver line item from the edit action . It throws an error as below.

It says failed to update action.


  • The business has been using this action since go-live. This issue seems to have cropped up today. Didn't experience this before. So I'm certain this is not because of any change. FYI the recent sync of prod from dev for changes was 2 weeks back. I think its not because of an recent change

  • @Yehya123 - did you change anything with the format of the line item which is used to run this action?