Filtering based on initial 2 letters

I want to apply filter for users based in initial 2 letters of data.

So, if initial letters contain say (ac or bd) then user group A shall be able to see only data having initial letters ac and user group B shall be able to see only data having initial letters bd. Any suggestions on approach , please?


  • @PrashantGaur : I do not know the context of your request, but having setup a module using the Users and setting up for every user the rule to see only "ac" or "bd" can be a starting point for you.

    If you want to simulate the user groups: You can also create a dummy list with the groups for defining elements like "Group A", "Group B" and define a module by this list and assign for every User the "Group A" or "Group B".

    I think you need to refresh your knowledge regarding how the user filters work and how to apply them in different situations.

    Hope it helps,


  • Ashutosh
    edited June 24

    Hi @PrashantGaur

    Assuming you have the list which contains Ac & BD as list items. Please follow the below the steps achieve the same:

    1. Create a User group list.

    2. Create a mapping module with User dimension and map users with user grp. Line item should be user grp list formatted.

    Note: This mapping needs to be maintained as new user added and it's manual.

    3. Now, create a module dimensioned by Ac/Bd list and map the Ac/BD list items with User grp as per below screenshot.

    4. Crate a another system module dimensioned by Users and AC/BD List for DCA.

    5. Last step is apply that DCA into the module where u want to show & hide the data for the selected users. or you can user write line item as filter the filter the data. Apply filter on target moduel.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

