Keeping the length of the record constant
I am looking for a solution to keep the length of the record constant to 10 digits.
For ex if I have 7 records like this 1) 1234567
2) 123456
3) 12345
4) 1234
5) 123
6) 12
7) 1 Then I need to achieve 1) 0001234567 2) 0000123456 3) 0000012345 4) 0000001234 5) 0000000123 6) 0000000012 7) 0000000001.
I can achieve this in excel by using REPT function but looking for solution in Anaplan. Any help greatly appreciated.
Best Answers
Follow the same mentioned by Rob
Jsut give try by using like "D" & right("00000000"&line item,10)0
Thanks for looking into my request @rob_marshall above formula might help me to think in a different way to meet my requirement.
But my actual requirement was, suppose If i have the records like 1) 1, 2) 12, 3) 123, 4) 1234 then I need to achieve 1) D000000001 2) D000000012 3) D000000123 4) D000001234 etc.
Sorry for not making clear in my earlier post.
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@RaghuMulki , first identify the length of the record and then add the zero's in the prefix for the remaining character.
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Thanks everyone. we could able to achieve by using the solution suggested by Rob and Ashutosh