Is there a bug or... Show/hide level filtering doesn't have an effect

There is a need to filter levels of subset but it looks that it doesn't work. Level filtering works good if you have a list. Is there a bug or… (subset is built with boolean rule).

Pic1: trying to filter levels through Show/hide option on board

Pic2: even selecting / unselecting levels, there is no effect on board to filter levels of subset

Best Answer


  • After you have selected level that you want to show have you clicked 'Apply'?

  • Yes, but Apply doesn't take any effect. If there is a list with several levels, filtering by levels works as expected but when there is a subset with levels, filtering by levels doesn't work.

  • Is you filter module dimensioned by subset or list?

  • by hierarcial subset

  • @Miia - I tried replicating your issue on my system and I am able to see the Top Level even if susbet is being applied to my module where I was reselecting the levels.

    Can you share the screenshot of the grid as well once you are done with showing the top level of the subset?

  • Yellow lined / marked hierarchy stays always same on board even selecting / unselecting levels (red marks) and selecting apply.

  • Thank you seymatas1 for replicating demo

  • Would suggest to use a filter with formula instead this is an issue with with subset for some time now.