Snowflake Integration : Anaplan Connect with Private key

Hi All

Anaplan connect is unable to extract private key while making a JDBC connection to snowflake. Error says “Try setting the JVM argument: -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=TRUE”

I believe I am using the supported version of Java (v8) & the latest version of Anaplan connect(4.2.1).  I have converted.p8 to .pem just incase but same error. Installed Bouncy castle as per Anaplan connect guide as well. Does anyone succeed in using a private key directly as part of your CA certificate authentication? 


PS- I can connect to snowflake via snowsql using .p8 key and passphrase combination so there is nothing wrong with private key.




  • vitexbakle
    edited August 28

    It seems you are encountering issues with Snowflake JDBC and private key extraction despite having the correct Java version and Anaplan Connect setup. Ensure that you have correctly set the JVM schedule argument -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=TRUE in your Anaplan Connect configuration.

  • It sounds like you've covered many of the typical troubleshooting steps for this issue. Here are a few additional things you might check or try to resolve the problem with Anaplan Connect and JDBC connectivity to Snowflake:

    1. Set JVM Argument: Ensure -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=true is correctly added to your Java command.
    2. Verify Key Path: Double-check the .p8 key file path in the JDBC URL.
    3. Check Key Format: Ensure the .p8 key is properly formatted in PKCS#8.
    4. Bouncy Castle: Confirm Bouncy Castle library is on the Java classpath.
    5. Permissions: Ensure the key file has the right read permissions.
    6. Special Characters: Escape special characters in the passphrase.
    7. Test with Java: Try a simple Java program to test the JDBC connection.

    These steps should help you narrow down where the problem bitlife might be. If the issue persists after these checks, it might be useful to share the exact error message for a deeper look.

  • vipsgoyani2000
    edited October 23

    Thank you @curclutter and @vitexbakle for your input. Bouncy Castle library installation issue was resolved by updating java security file with below.


    somehow this didn't not working.

    1. Set JVM Argument: Ensure -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=true is correctly added to your Java command.