ALM related question

I made some changes to our development model today and when we came to promote via ALM, the comparison report shows some item that we had not anticipated or expected. The comparison report has a section headed “Data Source Changes”. I made 

  • one change to the actions to add a new import action 
  • changed it’s sequence to the top of the actions list and 
  • added a process called, 

I did NOT make any changes to any other data sources. However, the comparison report shows that other data sources have changed. all data sources called “DEV – Model Dated 150424” has been replaced with a simple “-“ Is this because 'Model Dated 150424' has now been archived and the “-“ is just telling the Dev model that these are internal actions?

I need to be 100% sure that I will not break PROD, prior to promotion of the DEV changes.


Best Answers

  • seymatas1
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Chris,

    Archiving a source model does not change the "Import Data Sources" of your model. Even if you remap the source models, it will show the name of the previous/archived model, not your newly mapped model.

    Note: Yes, you are right. "-" in "Import Data Sources" means the model itself or a file.

    You should export the model history.

    • Filter the Description column for "data source".
    • Filter for Object column for "Model Dated 150424" and "-".
  • Cionweest
    Answer ✓

    It's concerning that the comparison report shows unexpected changes. The replacement of "DEV – Model Dated 150424" with "-" might indicate an internal action due to the archiving of the model. However, to ensure you won't break PROD, I recommend double-checking all changes, verifying the status of the archived model, and consulting with your team or support to confirm the implications before promoting the DEV changes. Better safe than sorry!



  • I'm tempted to say yes - if you've got space can always do a duplicate of PROD promote to there and be sure. could always remap the data source to the live/test model and see if the same occurs.

  • @ChrisG532 - did you change the source label for some of the import actions?

    If yes, it might be showing you the change in the history.

    Also, make sure to do a mock deployment to Prod Copy just to ensure nothing is impacted once you migrate it to the real production environment.

  • Thanks to you all for your inputs.

    We did duplicate/test and the changes were actioned 100%.

    The message for me is never skimp or reduce testing if ANYTHING doesn't look as you expect - and always ask the question as it may help someone else.

    Thanks again.
