Unable to give Level 2 Exam

edited July 17 in Academy Discussions

I have exempted all attempt for level 2 and now when trying again from scratch it not letting me to give the exam


  • @preety

    If your company uses Anaplan, reach out to your customer success business partner.

    If you are learning on your own, email support@anaplan.com.

    If you have used all 6 attempts, you might need to retake the entire course.

  • @preety - Reach out to Anaplan Academy regarding this query on academy@anaplan.com. They will guide you for the next steps and how you can give your level 2 exam again.

  • everytime the answer shows wrong,can anyone help plz

  • Please check the proper syntax before copy pasting the logic from your line item. You might be missing the proper naming as per the learnings or formula syntax