Compound Function SUM & LOOKUP OEG Enablement Scenario

I am following this micro-lesson on compound functions. I understand the overall point that these two functions should not be used in the same line item. However, I am not understanding this specific example. DAT01 is dimensioned by stores, region, time and CAL01 is as well. So the "Original Formula" is housed in the CAL01 module? Why is a SUM required if these modules have the same dimensions? Not understanding why the LOOKUP piece is required in the "Original Formula" in that case. What is the relationship between country and region here?. Would someone be able to clarify how this example works or break it down to explain it. Thanks!


  • The SUM is summing to Country and then the LOOKUP is mapping that Country level data to Stores. Yeah, a bit odd I know, why would you want to show all Country sales per Region for every store…

  • @MarkWarren - Thanks for the response. Would it be possible to see the blueprint views of these modules in the lesson? I am recreating this on my side and it would be useful to see them.

    • 'DAT01 Sales Volumes'.Volume[SUM: 'SYS01 Country Mapping'.Store to Country Mapping]
    • Intermediate Sum[LOOKUP: 'SYS01 Country Mapping'.Store to Country Mapping]
    • 'DAT01 Sales Volumes'.Volume[SUM: 'SYS01 Country Mapping'.Store to Country Mapping, LOOKUP: 'SYS01 Country Mapping'.Store to Country Mapping]