Is it safe to roll back model for calendar update?

Hi all,

Did anyone do a roll back for model calendar change and encountered any loose of data /issues when syncing later revision normally to PROD?

Time is structured in the model : weekly(4-4-5 , 4-5-4, 5-4-4), 1 past year, 2 future years and 2 time ranges( current +2 and +3 years) .

Of course previous year will be lost , we are aware, but the other inputs will they be any affected/lost by the " second" (ID03 below) normal sync to PROD?

Roll back meaning:

A. save current developments in DEV in revision tag ID01 ( incl. model calendar change)

B.restore DEV to a previous revision tag latest sent to PROD ID00

C.make the updates needed in DEV (model calendar update) and do revision tag(ID02)

D.Sync ID02 to PROD

E.Restore back to ID01

F. Peform all developments in DEV and save them in revision tag ID03

G .sync normally DEV revision ID03 to PROD




  • Hi @AndreeaCepoi,

    Let me make sure I understand the situation and your question. For simplicity's sake, I'll assume pre time frame is FY23-FY26, post time frame is FY24-FY27.

    1. Update Prod Time Frame
      1. Save latest dev changes in revision tag (ID01)
      2. Revert to last prod state (ID00)
      3. Update Time frame to FY24-FY27 (including time ranges)
      4. Promote to PROD
    2. Restore DEV Progress
      1. Restore DEV to ID01 (time frame FY23-FY26)
      2. Update once again to FY24-FY27
      3. Continue Development
    3. Sync PROD with Ongoing Development
      1. Create tag ID02 containing DEV changes and time frame FY24-FY27
      2. Sync with PROD

    Is the question whether there will be data loss in PROD during Step 3 because DEV was temporarily set back to FY23-FY26? If that's your question, then no. As long as the time frame (including ranges) in Step 3a is the same as in Step 1d, you won't see data loss due to the time frame move. Other than for the prior year, which you're already aware of.