I need to add two lists of same hierarchy in a module dimension

here Abc and Xyz is a part of P2 list

Abc1,2,3 and XyzXyz1,2 3 is their child P5 level respectively. Now how can I add both the lists in dimension in such a way iit will show only their respective child's

I have created a list where I defined P5 and added P2 as parent and updated from a System module where we defined P2 PP5 relationship. Now how do I proceed with the actual P2 list and the newly created P5 with P2 list.

Please check the attached file to see the format I need


  • @Soumyajit - In case you didn't discover this till now, you need to add only the P5 list as a dimension, as you can't add both the parent and the child to the same module - the system will now allow you to do that anyway, once you select one of the levels of this common dimension, the others turn grey.

    By adding the P5 list, you will also show the parent as a summary.

  • @Soumyajit Is your goal to have P2 and P5 displayed side-by-side in the module view, or simply to filter to specific P5s? If for display, would your users be open to indicating the P2 parent of a P5 list member in a different way?

    If you want to display both lists side-by-side in the same module, that won't be possible since they're part of the same hierarchy (and adding a copy P2 list would create unnecessary sparsity).

    If you provide the user need for this, there might be a way to meet the requirement in a different way.