Level 3 Sprint 1 3.3 Check your Build


I am struck with Level 3 Sprint 1 activity. As per the screenshot it refers to TAR01 Sales target module. However in the downloaded version, has different dimension and does match with the screen shot.

@Dikshant Can you please help?

So I created another module TAR 04 with line items mentioned in 3.3 Check your build snap. I am confused what formula to use to get % Increase and Amount increased.

Any help these will be appreciated? Where Am I going wrong?

Best Answer


  • @Deekshitha29 - Let me explain the calculations for your understanding.

    Baseline Final Forecast: This data you've already loaded in one of your DATA modules, I guess DAT03.

    % Increase: This you've already entered in Percentage Increase module.

    Amount Increased is nothing but % Increase * Baseline Financial Forecast

    Initial Country Sales Target is Baseline Final Forecast + Amount Increased

  • @Dikshant Thanks for the quick response. I am still confused, in Level 3 Sprint 1 we don't have DATA Modules yet. Are we supposed to create them?

  • You must have done an activity where you needed to load the baseline forecast into a DATA module before this activity? Where have you loaded that ?

  • @Dikshant I have loaded directly into TAR

    there was no mention of creating DATA Module in the activity.

    There was an error displaying this embed.
  • Here is the screenshot

  • Dikshant
    edited August 2024

    You are checking for US, but the example is for Italy. Please check for Italy numbers will match.

    Ideally, you should load it into DATA module since Forecast is monthly but it's fine.

    Check and let me know.

  • @Dikshant though the Baseline forecast is showing up. The % increase is showing 105% in the snapshot whereas we have to input has 5% as per the activity instruction. My confusion is that are we suppose create another module just for the percentage then use a formula to bring it into TAR04?

    Activity snapshot

  • Can you show your formula for % increase line item ?

    Ideally, it has to be 1 + Percent Increase.Percent Increase.

    So if a country needs to grow by 5% it means it it's 105% of its baseline forecast. Try it out!

  • @Dikshant I tried using the same formula. but the results are not matching. Are suppose to use in lookup in it?

  • @Dikshant I think i figured it out. Problem was with the Percentage increased. I had to plug in the % by month, instead i had them by year. So I had to change them by month, and I changed the summary to Min to capture for year. It seems to be working. It is now matching with the snapshot. Not sure if it is the right method though.

    Thanks for helping out. I really appreciate it :)

  • Percentage Increase module needs to have year not months

  • Correct.. I changed it to Month. It worked now. Thank you @Dikshant