How to create filter in Multiple axis rows and columns at the same time

I need the user to be able to filter the combos in the rows. For instance, when they select combo 1, the time dimension in the column should display with non-zero values corresponding to combo 1.

Best Answer


  • You need to pivot Combo list and Time both to rows. Does this view works for you ?

    Combo 1

    Week 1

    Combo 1

    Week 2

    Combo 2

    Week 1

    Combo 3

    Week 1

    Combo 3

    Week 2

    Combo 3

    Week 3

  • user needes week in column and combo 1 in rows onluy

  • So if Combo 2 has Week 3 but Combo 1 does not have Week 3, still it will show Week 3. Is it fine?

  • no i user want to see only those weeks only which has value for that combo

  • It's not possible with the time in columns and combo list in rows. It's possible when both the lists are in rows or in columns

  • seymatas1
    edited August 2024

    You can create the impression of selecting rows from the same grid by placing the modules side by side on UX pages.

    UX Page:


    Does this work?

  • Hi @143kishornaidu

    You can keep the Combo's list in the Page selector as you want them to be a selector and create an additional line for filter in the module which drives the condition for making columns visible as required. Refer below screenshots:


  • BUt the combo having multiple combinations.

    eg: Dim1IDim2IDim3IDim4

    User wants a line item filter. Also, user is filtering the Dim 1 and Dim2 In Line item filter

  • You can have the other dimensions as page selectors.

  • @Slice Master You can drag a field into the “Filters” area of the PivotTable Field List to create an overall filter that applies to the entire pivot table.