Export PDF from NUX Page


I would like to export a dashboard from the NUX as a PDF.

But the native export from the NUX page doesn't work for me, because I can't display all my columns on the same page

How can I select the same properties than in the classic dashboard export ?

If not, how can I save this export definition to publish it in the NUX page for the end users ?

Thanks for your help.


  • @etiennevalles76 - While exporting NUX into PDF format, it is true that whatever is displayed on the screen only that part will be there in the PDF export.

    You can try by selecting only the required fields on the NUX and then take the export in PDF. Also you can make your screen size as 67% or 75% so as to include many columns in the PDF export.

    And In case you don't want to export the view created, you can save a personal copy of the view you created, so that each time you open the page you don't have to create the same view.

  • Hello, no it does not work, in the NUX Anaplan canonly export 13 columns, and not in the classic dashboard, which is really bad for us

  • Could you set up a saved view in the underlying module and create an export action there?

  • Hello @TimWard70, thanks for your reply, but I would like to configure these parameters directly in the NUX Page

  • @etlennevalles I understand, however, I do not believe it is possible. It may be worth adding this as a feature request in the Idea Exchange, it won't solve your issue today but Anaplan may add it in the future.

    In the mean time you will need to look for the least worst alternative that can fit with the process you want to implement.

    Have you tried setting up a Management Report for this - we get much more control over page sizes and font sizes through the Management Report page - the only potential issue would be if the grid you wanted to display went over more than one page, there is a workaround for this but it makes things more complicated.

  • Thanks for you reply, @TimWard70 ! Yes I've tried the management reporting page. But our P&L is too big and large to fit inside it.

    I've addes a link in the NUX to the classic dashboard to to export the P&L correctly…

    Best regards
