NUX, two data write actions in one button?


I am trying to create a support ticketing dashboard. I need one button to do two things: 1. Submit? boolean to equal true, 2. Change the status to submitted.

It shows two buttons. Is it possible to make both actions under 1 button?

I need the "sync on selection" to select the ticket to apply these edits.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Anurag0911
    Answer ✓

    @Olek P

    Anaplan does not support a sync that goes from NUX to backend like that. We need it to be manual input. All we can do is Provide the users a Selector for input and use a Boolean to drive the actions. I would suggest doing it with the 2 actions as you have already set up as it provides a better user friendly interface [Lesser clicks and scrolling time].

    Thank you!


    1. Combine Actions into a Process:
      • Go to the Actions tab in the Model Settings.
      • Create a new Process.
      • Add both actions (Update Submit? and Update Status) to this process in the order you want them executed.
    2. Create a Button for the Process:
      • In your dashboard, add a button and link it to the process you created.
      • This button will now execute both actions sequentially when clicked.
  • @Anurag0911

    Thank you for your reply.

    These actions were created as "data writes" in the UX, not as actions actions.

    Can your method still work? If so, how would I create these data write actions?


  • UX does not natively support combining multiple data write actions into a single button, you can use a workaround by creating a process that includes both actions and then triggering this process from the UX ( Create two line items: Submit? (Boolean) and Status  (Text/List). Develop two actions: Update Submit?, which sets Submit? to TRUE, and Update Status, which changes Status to "Submitted." Combine these actions into a single process named Submit Ticket Process.)

    I hope this helps!

  • @Anurag0911

    But I would need the sync on selection.

    I would need to select the specific "ticket" (from list) by clicking on it and then apply the actions.

    Would your fix work? How could I apply actions to only the selected (clicked on) list item?

    Thank you

  • @anurag0911 Got it thank you. I wish anaplan did. Having two or more buttons doesn't work from a design perspective.