Delta Load

how I can implement delta load from datahub to Spoke model. the action pulling the delta load is running into the spoke model , then how to mark the transferred data from spoke model to datahub model ?


  • Anurag0911
    edited September 11


    1. Initial Setup in Data Hub:
      • Create modules to hold transaction properties and data.
      • Add Boolean fields to track export status.
      • Create views to filter out already exported data.
    2. Transfer Data to Spoke Model:
      • Import the list of new/updated transactions.
      • Import the corresponding transaction data.
    3. Mark Transferred Data:
      • Update the Data Hub to mark the transactions as exported using an import from the Spoke model.

    Use this for more info: Delta Load — Anaplan Community

    Hope this helps

  • Identify Delta Data: Mark the changes in the DataHub (e.g., using timestamps or flags) to track the modified or new data.
    Trigger Delta Load: Use an action in the Spoke model that pulls only the delta data based on your identifier (e.g., timestamp or status flag). scratch geometry dash
    Acknowledge Data Transfer: After transferring data from Spoke back to the DataHub, update the DataHub to mark those records as processed, often by changing the flag/status or updating a timestamp.
    Error Handling: Ensure proper error logging and retry mechanisms for failed records.