How to filter time in NUX based on page selector parent.
I'm struggling to filter a table in NUX based on the page selector. Anaplan wants me to hard code an item to filter on. I want it to use the selected item in the page selector.
I have a bunch of projects with their parent category
Start and end month is set for each project. This aggregates with min for start and max for end to the category parent.
Based on the min and max months of the category, a filter is created that is set to TRUE for the active months for that category. The aim is to be able to show the active months of any underlying project.
Example Result in the module:
My problem is that I now want to use this filter in my dashboard, and Anaplan won't pick up the parent but instead wants me to hard code an item to base the filter on.
Selector settings if someone is interested
How can I make it so that the grid only shows the time periods that are active for the selected category using the boolean "Filter" in module "Project Category Timings"?
@DavidBackman @fredrickstraube
@fredrickstraube Pretty sneaky reaching out to me via LinkedIn, but it worked, so well done.
Ok, I figured it out and what you are wanting to do which isn't natural to Anaplan because you are attempting to sync and filter two different dimensions (Projects and Time) but they aren't on the same axis. If you grouped them together on the row axis, this wouldn't be a problem, but that is **** and not what you are wanting. So I attempted to rig it and will not stand by it for the long term, but it works here. Here you go…
Level Set: I have the same data as you.
CAL Categories - Filter is key
RPT P2 Projects
I have added a SYS Module to get the Parent of Projects
The UX
Publish the Cal Categories, showing both Start and End. This is needed to sync the projects so if you click on Category A, you only get the projects belonging to Category A, same with the projects in Category B when Category B is selected.
Publish another grid for P2 Projects, but put Projects in the page axis. We have to do this to create the filter properly. Select Filter, click Columns, and select the Filter line item.
click Apply, but do not click Apply. Now change the orientation and bring Projects back to the Rows.
Notice, when do you the above, you get a warning on the Filter
Click Update and publish.
Now, if you have your sync's turned on, it should work…
Again, I got it to work but I don't think this should be put into "real" solution.
Hope this helps,