How to connect two group tasks within a workflow template?

Business units will update their e.g. Target sales and once all BU in a country update the target then it should be proceeded to Country for its approval. Country should have option either to Approve or Send it back to Business unit. If send it back to Business unit, he/she needs to change the target and send it back to Country for approval. Once Country approves the target for their respective Business units, it will send to region for approval. Regions also should have option to Send it back to country or approve it.

I have tried to implement the above use by using Anaplan workflow. I am able to meet the expected result for Business units and Country approval by creating a Group Task in which assignee will be Business units and Approver will be country. By hiding the reject button, 2 options can be provided to Country Send Back and Approve.

Now once Country Approved it and will proceed to region. Region should have option Send Back and Approved but I am not able to find any option to do it. If I am going for Decision Task, then there we don’t have option for send back. How it can be built?
