How to test the ADO Snowflake connector

edited October 2 in Best Practices

Author: Noel Rocher, Partner Success Manager at Anaplan

Step 1: Snowflake trial environment

Go to and select the START FREE button at the top right of the page.

To check if the trial account conditions meet your needs, look at the Trial Account overview.
Choose the software edition and cloud provider you prefer. In this example, the options selected are the Enterprise edition and AWS with Paris datacenter.

Once you've entered those details and selected GET STARTED, the next screen will prompt for your account details, followed by an email to activate your account.

Pay attention to the URL; it will be useful to configure your ADO Connector. In the example above, the important part is .

Selecting CLICK TO ACTIVATE will bring you to your Snowflake console.

Hereunder is a screenshot of the sample data provisioned. With the ADO Snowflake Connector, we will extract the Orders data.

We are now ready for ADO.

Step 2: Setup the ADO Snowflake Connector

From the Overview ADO home page, select the Connections entry of the left menu and then the Create connection button on the top right.

Then select the Snowflake connector, and next.

Enter the required information:

  • Username: NOELROCHER (the one I defined when creating the account)
  • Password: ****** (also defined during account creation)
  • Host: (from the URL provided in the activation email)
  • Role: ACCPUNTADMIN (it's the default one for a trial)
  • Warehouse: COMPUTE_WH (this is visible on your table view, ‌above the column headers)
  • Schema (optional, also available when defining a Data source): TPCH_SF1

After selecting next, the connection will be validated.
From there, select Done and then on Next to finalize the creation.

You will now see the new line in the Connections list.

Step 3: Setup a new source data for orders

From the source data entry on the left menu, select Add data from the top right and then From connection.

Select the Snowflake’s connection, define a name, description, and select the namespace and path from the lists. For namespace, the list doesn't provide all schemas because we defined it on the Connection. For Path name, select ORDERS.

After selecting the detected columns you want to keep for the data source, select Next.

After a few seconds, a popup window will appear showing the import is complete, and the new data source will appear in the list.

Now, select the data source to see the data collected from Snowflake.

Now you're done! Questions? Leave a comment!