How to have same function as Excel (Index Match) Shipping Line Items

  • Shipping Method: Show the standard shipping method for the SKU. 
  • Shipping Time Weeks: Show the shipping time associated with the shipping method.

What formula can show the distribution center is Paris when beginning inventory is more than 1.


  • Hi @AnAnnie ,

    Sorry but your activity# screenshot, module screenshot and the question, look unrelated. May I know what exactly you are trying to achieve?

    For, you might want to use the hints provided, to fetch respective values from distribution center details module and shipping metrics by week module, with the help of lookups as required.


  • Hello
    Is there any way to connect the "Distribution Center"

    The second column has manual input distribution. However, the setting is as a "Text". therefore, can't connected to other "List" Table.
    the Third column is a List. however, it can't connect or use LOOKUP function to connected with the First (upper table).

    Please help thank you very much.