Horizontal scrollbar does not work when freeze columns (1-15) or more.

When freeze columns (1-10), horizontal scrollbar works well. However, when freeze more columns such as (1-15) or (1-20), it does not work as above picture.


  • AjayM
    edited October 2024

    Hi @CommunityMember130167 ,

    I tried replicating with freezing 21 columns, but it just works fine, even though the scrollbar appears like it reached the end of the grid, the scrolling works and brings-up the remaining columns. I tried placing cursor and scrolling both on frozen and un-frozen portion of the page. You might want to try clearing your browser cache and retry.

  • Hi AjayM,

    Thank you so much for advicing. According to your advice, I cleared my browser cache at first. After that I tried again. Then I found quite misterious problem.
    When I set "Freeze colums(1-26)", horizontal scrollbar works well and I can brings-up the remaining columns. However, when I set "Freeze colums(1-25)", horizontal scrollbar doesn't work as below screen shot. I cannot bring-up the remaining columns by horizonatal scrollbar.
    I'm happy if you could advice again.

  • Unfortunately I am not able to replicate this, and freeze/unfreeze works with any number of columns on my end (using Chrome on v129).
    If you are able to replicate the issue across different browsers, I'd suggest to please raise this with the support team.


  • Hi AjamM,
    Thanks a lot for many advicing. I will consider to raise this issue with the support team.
    Best regards,