Level 3, model building- SYS14


I am trying to use ANY as instructed in the sprint1 for "Data?" line item. But, I am getting this error:

"Invalid formula for 'SYS14 Create Account>Product'.Data?: Automatic sum of 'SYS13 Account SKU Filter'.Has Data? over SKU Flat hierarchy is not possible as SKU Flat does not have a built-in top level".

I am referring to "SYS13 Account SKU Filter, Has Data?" and used "any" in summary to aggregate it.

Please advise.


Farhad G.

Best Answers

  • Prajjwal88
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Gharbali ,

    Note that you're applying a formula in SYS14 by referring to the line item Has Data? from SYS13 Account SKU Filter. Please first verify the following:

    1. If the dimension used in SYS13 (which is SKU Flat) is not present in SYS14, the SKU Flat list must contain a top-level item defined.
    2. Ensure that the summary method for the SKU Flat dimension in SYS13 is set to Any for Has Data? to allow proper aggregation (Instead of setting it here in SYS14).

    Once these steps are completed, you should be able to reference 'SYS13 Account SKU Filter'.Has Data? in the SYS14 line item Data? without error.

    I hope this helps.

  • AjayM
    Answer ✓

    Hi Farhad,
    Since SYS13 is by 'accounts flat' and 'sku flat', SYS14 is by 'accounts flat' and 'products flat', you must establish mapping between 'sku flat' and 'products flat' dimensions using a lineitem in SYS12 that is of 'products flat' format. Assuming the SYS12.product lineitem is of 'product flat' list format.

    'Candyate' showing TRUE for all the products is legit. Try verifying for 'Candy Storezio' or 'Candyent' accounts, which should return 20+ products without data (data? = FALSE) for each account.


  • Gharbali
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for the clarification. I crossed checked the result for "Candy Storezio" and shows few products with no data:

    I am on the correct path then. Thanks again.


  • Gharbali
    edited October 28


    Thank you for the help. I tried something else but I am skeptical about the results.

    However, it checked off all the "Data?" option for the products for that specific account.

    What do you think?


    Farhad G.