SYS03 Account>Product Details, P2 Products


I am trying to load data in P2 Product line item. I am using FINDITEM(List, Text) but I am not getting any result. In my module ID and Code are in Text format but they didn't work. I created DAT03 module to turn P2 Product list to Text and referred to DATA03 in the formula but still didn't populate the data. What am I doing wrong here.


Best Answer

  • AjayM
    Answer ✓

    In this course context, since 'Product flat' and P2 lists share same name and code, you may use finditem upon name or code of the property [Ex: finditem(p2,code(A2.display name))].

    Otherwise, like @JMVasicek suggested, you could extract P2 code from A2 code using mid/right functions, and then use that extracted code within finditem. Ex: if A2 code is A01_P01 (concatenation of Account code and P2 code), use RIGHT function to extract "P01" value, and then use it in finditem.


  • For a FINDITEM to work, you should pass either name or code of the corresponding list as an argument. You can't use 'ID' or 'code' lineitems directly here because they both are of A2 list, not of P2.

    Either try to extract P2 relevant code portion from A2's code for finditem, or simply check if A2 list has the relevant property that can be simply pulled into SYS module.


  • Hello @Gharbali,

    Here are a couple of reasons why your FINDITEM isn't working:

    First, I would assume that the code of Account>Product is a concatenation of Account Code and Product Code (such as Acct123|Prod456). The FINDITEM won't find that concatenation in the Product list.

    Second, I see that DAT03 is dimensioned by P2 Product, which has different dimensions than SYS03, so it's not picking up the P2 Product code.

    Instead, try one of the following:

    1. If you capture P2 Product or Product Flat when creating the Account>Product list via import, try referencing that. (It appears the Product Flat relationship exists, so if you have a Product Flat to P2 Product relationship, simply reference that link using a LOOKUP on your Product Flat line item.)
    2. If that relationship isn't created when building the Account>Product list, you can use text parsing formulas (FIND, LEFT, RIGHT, MID) to derive the product code. Then your FINDITEM should work. (Option 1 is preferable if possible, since it cuts out this intermediate step)
  • @AjayM

    Thank you for assisting me. Speaking of A2 properties, I have the "Display Name" but since it is also List, it doesn't work. That's why I tried to extract the name in DAT03. However, it is also not working. Any advise?