Check list at the end of the User Story?

Hi All,

I came across a question, what would be the check list we should keep in mind after the user story has been completed before deploying the changes to the UAT and Prod?


  • AjayM
    edited October 2024

    • Hi Ankur,
      I tried to mention the important ones here. Hope this helps!
    1. I think the first thing to closely validate is actual completion of the user story - ignore no detail of it, and verify that the expectation is clearly being met.
    2. Make sure the piece of development is adhering to PLANS and well-organized as per DISCO. We better do the house-keeping as part of implementation, rather than pushing it to a later stage.
    3. Unit testing is next crucial part of it. More often than not, we race towards completion of user story build without proper testing. Try to mockup test data within your DEV environment and do thorough testing covering as many scenarios and edge-cases as possible. User security testing (role based) should follow the basic testing.
    4. In case of enhancements or incremental changes to a live project, regression testing is a must. We must check for potential impact of new build on existing build, and try best to avoid post-sync surprises.
    5. And finally communicating about the changes to the users in simple words/instructions, and seeking their sign-off before deploying to production.

    As you know, always route your changes from DEV to UAT to PROD.


  • Having clear user stories makes it easier to get them approved. Investing time in reviewing user stories with the client before development begins will make your work much smoother.

    In your user stories you should have this structure: As a [role], I want [functionality] so that [goal].

    Example user story from the Level 3 training:

    User Story 1.1
    As a Regional Sales Executive, I need to use the FY20 monthly forecasted revenue by country and product family from the FP&A model to create a Baseline Financial Forecast in the Sales Planning model. The Baseline Financial Forecast from the Finance business unit will be a starting point for establishing the Initial Sales Targets.

    I’ll know this is complete when I can review the quarterly Baseline Financial Forecast sales revenue data for each country by product family, for the current year (FY20).