Level 3 Check You Build 4.7 User Story 1.3
Hello ,
I have already begun with anaplan level 3. im stuck for a week with the next problem.
The exercise need to be checked on the next numbers:
I have the next numbers:
I have the next formula:
'DAT021 PY Revenue FY19'.Revenue[LOOKUP: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'A1 Account', LOOKUP: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'P2 Product', LOOKUP: 'SYS00 Time Settings'.PY Qtr]
how can i match my numbers with the exercise
Best Answer
Looks right to me. However, you can validate DAT02 module data with the provided snapshot for 4.7 (since you were stuck at user story #1.3) and move forward with next user story.
All the best!
First check if DAT021 module shows same totals as in the given snapshot for FY19. If it doesn't match, then you better re-import the data from hub into that module.
Your formula doesn't look wrong to me, so it could be either the source data that was imported into DAT021, or A2 list that could have been incompletely built.Cheers!
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This is the numbers from DAT021 module:
I have reimported the numbers dont change
A2 account is also complete:
Because of this i got the wrong numbers for TAR01 Detailed Sales Target:
I Have seen on the forums that the numbers PY Country must be approx 530xxx
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DAT021 snapshot portion looks like the data is imported right. Just to be sure, select all products for P2 and scroll-down to verify totals at 'All Accounts' level (as in the screenshot below). And these totals should match as a first step, with FY20 totals as in the course screenshot.
And you're right. We need to complete every step accurately.
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If i compare your Numbers with my numbers its so far good. this is for FY19
FOR FY20 its :
Do i need the same data from FY19 to FY20? IF yes, how do i need to do it with dimensionality because FY19 module got the dimensions: A1 accounts and P2 products. Module 20 got A2 Account>Products#
To extract the data from FY19 to FY20 i used the next formula: 'DAT021 PY Revenue FY19'.Revenue[LOOKUP: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'A1 Account', LOOKUP: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'P2 Product', LOOKUP: 'SYS00 Time Settings'.PY Qtr]
the totals are different so far. And meybe after the correct answer Module Detailed Sales Target will chage to correct numbers?
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Good that your DAT021 data is correct and matching Anaplan provided screenshot. The formula you have written in DAT02 to fetch data from FY19 to FY20, and by A2 list is also making sense.
Since we have validated DAT021 data, now you should validate A2 list creation. Possibly there are incorrect entries that are causing this. You may want to try deleting the leaf level items in A2 list, check the source saved view and then re-populate the list.
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I checked the A2 Account>Product# and i found some extra data that needed to be deleted becuase of the double import. After deletion the data Detailed Sales Targets has corrected it self. I cant check if this is right now.
this is the final outcome.
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I think its right all right now. After the correction al other modules are corrected. i have now progressed to user story 1.6.
Thansk you for the insights