Automatic email notifications

edited November 8 in User Experience

I have an action on my UX dashboard which runs a process for submitting order for approval.

I want to trigger an email as soon as that process is triggered. Is there anyone who has worked on a similar use case?

Best Answer

  • AjayM
    Answer ✓

    @JAbhi - Unfortunately there is no type of action that can trigger a cell/lineitem. MAILTO is a manual trigger, or you may check this link for Anaplan Connect driven idea.



  • Check if you can leverage Anaplan Workflow for this. A workflow template containing a machine task (representing your submission process) followed by a notification task (that triggers email), can then be published on UX page. So user clicks workflow button, and it takes care of both the tasks.


  • @AjayM - Thanks ajay for your response, but in my scenario we are not having workflow in the current anaplan plan, so we won't be able to leverage.
    Ideas that are coming to my mind are :-
    1. Using anaplan connect to send email via outlook of the logged in user(still figuring)
    2. Using MailTo method somehow.

    But with all the ideas that are coming to mind, i am not able to reach my end goal.

  • Try this (old link though) for Anaplan Connect approach.

    MailTo only generates a clickable link, which means manual intervention is needed after running the submission process. If such additional manual step is ok, you can also consider notification action for shooting mails.


  • Thanks @AjayM for your inputs.

    Just one more thing, do you know if there is any possibility of designing any type of action which can run those clickable links made by MailTo