Level 3. Build Sales Role and Sales Reps


Sales Role and Sales Reps# are flat list in Sales Planning Model. In the Sprint2, the ask is to create import to build them up. I am using SYS09 Employee Details module in Data-Hub, but it is not working. Any Advice?


Best Answer

  • AjayM
    Answer ✓

    I don't think you need property in sales rep flat formatted by employee flat. It can simply be text formatted, but you must import names from the source module into that property. Without any source, names won't appear for sales reps.
    For the saved view in SYS09a, I hope you are filtering to show only sales people.



  • I think 5.5.3 lesson gives you additional details (and hints) to complete this step. Also, please share how you are trying to build this, or what issue you are facing. Snapshot / details would help us understand better.


  • Hello @AjayM,

    Here is the outcome of 5.5.1 after importing the data from TXT file.

    I used filter to create saved views to use in Import to build Sales Reps# and Sales Role. In the sales reps# I can't get their names instead of numbers.

    There is no lesson after 5.5.2 regarding to this matter. There is a video "converting Data Formats" that I watched several times, but I couldn't find a solution to my issue.

  • AjayM
    edited November 2024

    I'll give you two hints:
    1. sales flat is a numbered list and hence you are finding # numbers instead of names.
    2. SYS09a module in datahub (as in your snapshot), is also dimensioned by a numbered list (employee flat#). But you can see names of employees instead of Anaplan generated # numbers. Figure out how that is happening and you will be able to solve your case for sales reps list too.


  • @AjayM

    Thank you for the hints. I have added Employee Flat# into the Sales Planning Model and it looks all good.

    Also in the Sales Reps Flat#, I added "display name" in the properties and format it to "Employee Flat#". But, still didn't work:

    If I select "Employee Flat#" as parent to "Sales Reps#", it shows the name but all the employees not just Salespeople. Here is also the saved view of the SYS module that I am using as source data.

  • @AjayM

    Thank you for the hint. I successfully created the Sales Rep# and G3s Sales Rep#. I couldn't come up with an Idea to build and import for Sales Role Flat so I build it up manually.

  • You should be loading sales role flat list too using import action, as instructed. Please check ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE function to achieve this activity.
