Help needed to get the data by pulling from two time scales

Hi, i want to get volume data based on the line item 2 to my target module which is at year level. But my source having the time dimension while i am writing the formula no values are coming


  • AjayM
    edited November 2024


    If you have summary ON for 'volume' in source module, without even using lineitem2, you can simply use YEARVALUE function in the target module.


  • @AjayM . Yearvalue based on volume ?. If i do that all the values will come to 2023. here i need the values based on the line item 2

  • OK, was assuming lineitem2 reflects year of respective week in time dimension, my bad.
    In your case, since lineitem2 is not directly linked to time dimension of the module, with two conflicting dimensions representing real time, I am afraid you would need an import action to achieve the expected result.

    In the import action, you should map source lineitem2 to target time, but not source time to target time. Import will automatically aggregate the volume and load.


  • Hi,
    May I check why your week1fy23 is going to different years?

    Technically it is feasible by using SUM over line item 2 in your destination module - Volume[SUM: Line item 2]

    In case it isn't available as a list you can easily convert it & use finditem(time,text) to convert it to Anaplan native years.

  • its a requiremnt. we tried sum but its itsn't working.cheking new ways how to do it.

  • 1 of the ways to achieve the result is create a custom weeks list & establish a mapping between native & custom weeks.

    Use lookup to pull your values to the custom week.

    Create a mapping between the new list & the target list & use sum over that.