Error while updating formula for REV05 unit %

HI There,

While updating the formula for REV05,I am getting the following error.

Can anyone help me out.

'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price%[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product family]


  • Hi @dks2 ,

    At every step/activity within Level1, you'd be clearly instructed about dimensionality and formats to be used. Please recheck and follow them.

    1. REV04 is dimensioned by G2 Country and P1 Product Family
    2. Lineitems used as lookups from SYS modules are formatted by same G2 and P1 lists
    3. REV05 is dimensioned by G3 & P2, and SYS modules used in formula are also dimensioned by G3 and P2 respectively
