Creating Smart Time Filters Based on Context

edited November 2024 in User Experience


Is it possible to create smart time filters based on the context of the page (if the context of the page is a hierarchy of a dimension on the grid).

For example, I have a list SS_L5 Inputs which rolls up into L4 Contracts. PRE06 is used for inputting figures and is at level L5 and dimensioned by month. "Smart Filtering" is used to calculate what months should be shown based on item L4 Contracts. When I go to apply the filter, it asks me for a current context, rather than aligning it with the page context (I'm using context hierarchy on the module to get the page selectors at the correct level).

Is there a way of setting this up so it automatically updates depending on the L4 Contract item selected on the page, it would make for a better user experience than simply creating an action which needs to be run to update the filter.

Screenshots of the issue attached. Essentially it wants me to hardcode the L4 Contract context rather than dynamically update depending on the context selected.



  • Hi @tfearns ,

    Although L4 and L5 are hierarchically related, when it comes to filtering, a filter defined at one level cannot be applied to another level.
    Although it's not a cleaner UX view, alternate approach (which you might know) is to
    1. derive filter condition at L5 and time level (this is quite straight forward since the filter is originally defined at L4 and time level),
    2. pivot your PRE06 UX view to have both L5 and time within row or column, and apply L5 level filter. The page context can still stay at L4, and the filter would work.


  • You would have to bring the boolean filter down to be at the same level as your ss_L5 Inputs. You could lookup the start and end dates of the contracts L4 or lookup the calculated boolean itself. Regardless, the filter needs to have L5 as the "Applies to". I hope this works for you

  • Thanks @AjayM, sadly it looks like that is the only option which works, however it doesn't align with how users would look at the data with the dimensions stacked in rows/columns. @kbandelaria it doesn't look like that works but thanks for the suggestion.