Level3. Commission Forecast


I have my total target per sales rep yearly as seen below and the numbers does match with ones in the study material:

In the Commission forecast I am using monthvalue formula to compute the commission forecast but the numbers are not showing up. Please advise:

P.S I have tried quartervalue also and it didn't work.


Best Answers

  • Hi @Gharbali ,
    As you have your source module dimensioned by year and target module dimensioned by month, you'll have to use YEARVALUE() function to bring the year values to months.
    Hope this helps.

  • Hi @Gharbali ,
    The issue seems using YEARVALUE() function, as year value will be taking value of FY20 for calculation rather that considering quarter values and hence the number seems to be coming up higher.
    Instead of using YEARVALUE what i would suggest is to use a lookup for quarter values in the formula. You can see example as mentioned below-

    Hope this helps!

  • Gharbali
    Answer ✓

    Thank you again for the help. I figured out the way to compute the sales target per quarter correctly and my numbers now matches with the ones in the training material.

  • rinko
    Answer ✓



    i did it, :)

    fisrt of all, you should build a

    Quartly Final Account Sales Target module

    then use this data for your calculation module's target line item, you will get the correct answer



  • Gharbali
    edited November 2024


    Thank you for assisting me here. YEARVALUE() function brought the numbers in but they don't match with the ones in the study material:

    7.3 Check Your Build


    I am sure about the total target per sales rep because it does match with the one in the material:

    6.4 Check Your Build


    my quarter apportionment:

    And Janell's net commission:

    I come up with an idea of computing the yearly sales target in quarter:

    and redo my commission forecast based on quarterly sales; but my numbers are still off. any advise?


  • Thank you @Prajjwal88

    I created a module to compute the quartely target amount and then used it in commission forecast. However, I still see difference between my numbers and ones in study material:

    7.3 Check Your Build

    I am kinda doubtful if it is my error. What do you think?