Top Down Approach

Hi All,

Check if you can help in the following scenario. I have 2 list PRODUCT & PRODUCT FAMILY (parent of product).

Module 1 : (with PRODUCT as dimension)

Line item : Check? (Boolean)

User will select the product as needed.

Module 2: (with product family as dimension)

Line item : Check Product Family : ???? (if the product dimension is selected then the product family should be automatically selected)

Description: If the user selects the product (level 1) then product family (lev2l 2) should be automatically selected…can help with the logic / formula for the same?


Best Answer

  • hello,

    Here would be a solution that would cover both scenario of whether you want to check from Parent or from Child level.

    I've set up 2 lists, L1 Product & L2 Product Family (Parent of L1 Product)

    L1 Product

    L2 Product Family

    Then created a System module for the L1 Product list

    SYS - L1 Product

    Formulas as such:

    Then there are two modules created:

    < MOD1 - Choose Product > with L1 Product as dimension

    Formulas as such:

    < MOD2 - Get Product Family > with L2 Product Family as dimension:

    Formulas as such:

    Now that the set up is all out of the way, I'll explain what the difference is between v1 and v2, which should cover either way you would like to use it.

    Tick at Child, flow to Parent

    v1 goes from checking a product at a lower hierarchy level (Child), and then ticking off in the parent hierarchy if any of the child is checked off (use ALL in place of ANY if you want to only tick the parent when all child are checked).

    You will see that I had ticked "Product 1-1" in MOD1 Line Item < Check? v1 >, which then flows up to MOD2 Line Item < Check Product Family? v1 > and checks off "Product Family 1", which is a Parent of "Product 1-1".

    Tick at Parent, flow to Child

    v2 requires you to check off at a higher hierarchy level (Parent), and will tick off the child hierarchy if the parent is checked off.

    You will see that I had ticked "Product Family 2" in MOD2 Line Item < Check Product Family? v2 >, which then flows back to MOD1 Line Item < Check? v2 > and checks off "Product 2-1", "Product 2-2" and "Product 2-3", which are the child of "Product Family 2".

    Hope this helps!

    Derek Lim


  • Hello,

    There would be two ways to approach this, first being easier with slightly lesser flexibility.

    Set Module 1's Line Item < Check? > to have Any as summary. In that way, the Parent (PRODUCT FAMILY) will also be checked off.

    In Module 2, point the Line Item to Module 1's Line Item < Check? >. If you do have time dimension in Module 1, then remember to add in a [Select: Time.All Periods]

    Alternatively, you will need to have a SYSTEM module for the PRODUCT List, with a Line Item inside being the PRODUCT FAMILY [Formula: PARENT(ITEM(PRODUCT)]

    In Module 2, point to Module 1's Line Item < Check? >, and summarise by Any formula. For e.g., 'Module1'.'Check?'[ANY: 'SYS - PRODUCT'.'PRODUCT FAMILY']

    Hope this helps!

    Derek Lim

  • Anaplan210821
    edited November 2024

    @Derek Lim,

    - I want to check on the parent not the child.. level 1 will be product level 2 will be product family.. users do select at the product level(level1) and the product family (level 2) needs to be auto selected.

  • Anaplan210821
    edited November 2024

    @Derek Lim, Thanks for the detailed explanation.