Summary module - referencing list with properties
Looking to create a module that provides a summary of a fairly detailed data set that has multiple dimensions, with having originally built this by adding the relevant dimensions to the module and then using a formula similar to the below, just referencing more elements
'DAT03 IBP Data'.GBP Latest[SUM: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.Reporting Segment, SUM: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.Region, SUM: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.SKU]
The issue that found with this approach was that it becomes far too sparse, with the model size expanding far too much.
The revised approach that looking to take was basically creating a list with various properties attached to it, however I'm then not sure how to get values to pull into a module that uses this list as base - I've attached word document with some screenshots in for reference. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Best Answers
Hey @ChrisMcCarthy,
I believe you are thinking in the right way. Throwing all the dimensions into a module for reporting purpose would just blow the model size and leave too many sparse cells. Instead, think about below approach:
- Using key metrics that decide which SKU-Region-Segment combinations are valid (for ex: volume<>0 and GBP latest <>0), create a combination list (numbered) called '#ReportSummary'
- This approach would need just one boolean formatted lineitem dimensioned by these 3 lists, to identify valid combinations
- DO NOT add all the attributes as properties to '#ReportSummary' list, unless they are required for exports. Remember, property for a list occupies additional space
- Keep the properties limited to the essential ones like SKU, Segment, Region and BCG
- All the remaining attributes can be derived into a 'SYS #ReportSummary' module, based on these 4 properties
- You may want to create a user dimensioned filtering module, with 3 lineitems formatted by the 3 lists that make-up '#ReportSummary' list
- These lineitems can be published on the UX, to serve as filter selectors
- Using these selections, define a filtering rule, so that you can filter '#ReportSummary' list and show only corresponding items within the summary module
- In the reporting module dimensioned by '#ReportSummary' list, fetch all key figures by using lookup [ex: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.GBP Latest[lookup: 'SYS #ReportSummary'.Reporting Segment, lookup: 'SYS #ReportSummary'.Region, lookup: 'SYS #ReportSummary'.SKU]
Hope this helps.
1 - Using key metrics that decide which SKU-Region-Segment combinations are valid (for ex: volume<>0 and GBP latest <>0), create a combination list (numbered) called '#ReportSummary'
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