Summary module - referencing list with properties
Looking to create a module that provides a summary of a fairly detailed data set that has multiple dimensions, with having originally built this by adding the relevant dimensions to the module and then using a formula similar to the below, just referencing more elements
'DAT03 IBP Data'.GBP Latest[SUM: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.Reporting Segment, SUM: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.Region, SUM: 'DAT03 IBP Data'.SKU]
The issue that found with this approach was that it becomes far too sparse, with the model size expanding far too much.
The revised approach that looking to take was basically creating a list with various properties attached to it, however I'm then not sure how to get values to pull into a module that uses this list as base - I've attached word document with some screenshots in for reference. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.