Year Value into a Months Module

Hello friends,

Can someone please help with this.

I have my number in the below source module (profit) by year.

I am trying to get FY24 value (profit) into below target module (i.e. 5,999) depersonalised by month:

I tried yearvalue() function and it is pulling all 0's.

Can somebody please advice?




  • I can see your GPS line item is a subsidiary view. Can you change the line item dimension to Months.

  • Hi @logikalyan the dimension for time for lineitem needs to be months

  • Hi Kanishq, Dikshant,

    Thanks for your responses. But not sure if I understand it correctly. Below is the full blue print of the line item. Its dimensionalised by month and the subsidiary view probably cos I added Region list to applies to column as Anaplan was throwing dimension mismatch error.



  • Hi @logikalyan
    From your screenshots
    Source Module → Time( Year), X dimension
    Target Module → Time (Month), Y dimension
    X dimension → Y dimension in your logic you are not defining any mapping.
    So look into the mapping and update your logic.

  • Hi SriNitya,

    Thank you for your response. The source module X has Region as dimension which is a parent of Sector dimension in Target module in Y. So for this line item in target module Y, I have added 'Region' as dimension.

    What mapping that I need to add more. Can you please advise.



  • If I understand correctly
    Hierarchy is L1 → Region
    L2 → Sector
    So for this line item in target module Y, I have added 'Region' as dimension. → Adding Region dimension is not required.
    In Target Module Time (Month), L2 sector dimensions - GSP line item, no need to add Region
    Create a system module for Sector and in one lien item derive parent mapping of Sector and then use that line item in logic of GSP using lookup.
    I have one question what are volume(gross..), profit, revenue in your Source module(line item/ dimension?)

  • Hi SriNitya,

    volume(gross..), profit, revenue are part of a LIS and used in target module.



  • What is the summary setting on the line item in the source? If set to none & you are looking at a parent level in the target you will see 0

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for all your responses. I have sorted this myself by adding the required dimension in applies to column and creating one more line item with formula. I then referenced this line item using yearvalue function which is working fine.

    Thanks again


  • Having in a Time by Month module a line-item with the year and using LOOKUP could also solve the issue to reference Year values in a target module by month from a source module by Year.