Can i have 'Create Action' under a 'Process' which includes other Actions (Import/Export Actions).
I am trying to create a process for the user where he can create a record to a numbered list using 'Create Action' and add attributes to it in a module & keeping this process as base, I am trying to export this record & Attributes to external ERP System using 'Export Action'. Can i conclude all this in a single 'Process' which includes Create Action & Export Action. but i am unable to do it.
Best Answer
No, you can't use the Create action within a process. If you need to do that, create a view and within the process, call an import action using that view.
Thank you. rob_marshall. I wanted to do that without an import action as in NewUX once we run the process which as import action in the process, It shows a dialogue box of successful import which i think confuses the business user.