DCA - How to lock/unlock checkboxes based on selection? [No Dimension]

I have a module (no Dimension) with 5 -line items labeled 'Custom 1' through 'Custom 5'.

When any 'Custom' checkbox is selected, all other checkboxes should be locked but the selected (example: Custom 1) one should remain editable.

If the selected checkbox is unchecked, all other checkboxes should become unlocked again.

I'm running into an issue where I lock everything without the one selected being editable.

Best Answer

  • Hi ashasli,

    As the module does not contain any dimension, I believe the way to go will be to create a Read/Write Line Item for each individual Custom boolean as the driver combination behind locking each line are different for each line item.

    For example, Write boolean for Custom 1 will be NOT Custom 2/3/4/5 combined using OR and the Read boolean for Custom 1 will be Custom 2/3/4/5 combined using OR. This repeats for the other 4 R/W booleans.

    Hope this helps!
