How to Add Child members(More than one member in one go) based on User input

I am working on a use case where basis on input from user, child list will have required number of list items.
For E.g.- User Input =3, 3 entries are created under L2.

I am able to add multiple rows in one go using below logic.
But stuck in a scenario, where we have existing list member already added & want to add more entries.

Front End:



Best Answer

  • akashagarwal
    Answer ✓

    I got it actually, the case discussed above is possible by summing up 2 line item

    (Cumulate function on index function) & (number of child items already present in list). Just set counter as 1.

    'TEST SYS00 L3 under L2'.Counter[LOOKUP: Parent item] + CUMULATE(1, FALSE, Index List)