Does having multiple models in a single workspace (standard or hypermodel) affects performance?

Hi All,

I have a query where currently we have 3 models in 3 different workspaces(standard). In all the 3 models we have intergrations running at different times(5-6 times a day for each model) to update Actuals/Forecast from other sources.

We are looking into getting a hypermodel workspace for future enhancements & developments & also to get the old 3 models in one single workspace.

My question is will the workspace performance/model performance take a hit if we have all the 3 models in a single workspace considering the multiple integrations that are in place & more than 1k users?


  • It depends upon the data volume and if there are automations that are too frequent, like every 15 minutes. Since you mentioned it's only 5-6 times a day. It should not cause issues if you shift all 3 models into a single workspace.

    But also consider how many users are there in these models and double check the timings to run the job. If automations are not as frequent as 15 minutes, I think you can consider 3 models in a single workspace.

    From my experience, I've seen multiple production models in a single workspace and frequent automations in multiple models; it won't hurt much.