Editable Line Item at Top Level of Hierarchy

edited January 10 in Modeling

Hi, I have an example module dimensioned by: Columns = time/months, Rows = line items, Pages = Products. This products list isn't built as a hierarchy but has multiple different levels of parents/child. I have it set so that the module pulls in sales on the lowest child level and have the line items summing to roll up to the highest parent in this single list.

I want to add a line item that'll be a manually editable percentage that can be changed by the end user in the UX. For example, I want the sales to still roll in dynamically and aggregate up or down depending on the page selector - but for the percentage, I want it to be the same on every level without hardcoding it.

The issue I'm finding is that the percentage line item is only editable on the lowest child level and not the parent when it's rolled all the way up - this is an issue because I want the percentage to be changed at the highest level and applied downward instead of editing for each child item and then seeing the change roll upward. I tried changing the summary methods to min, max, etc with no luck.

Any Ideas on how to edit this?

Best Answer

  • seymatas1
    Answer βœ“

    Hi @rkmanu,

    According to your description, you have a non-hierarchical Products list that has parent-child relationships.

    You also have a Sales Data module that has sales amounts at different levels.

    As @alexpavel described, create a dimensionless % Input module in which uesrs make inputs at the top level.

    To allocate this amount to the lower levels, add an Allocation % line item in the Sales Data module. Use the Final Sales Amount from Input % module to calculate the allocated amounts.

    You can accomplish this with saved views but it is not recommended as per best practices.

    I hope this helps.

    Seyma πŸŒ·πŸ™‚


  • It seems in your case, you need a different module without the Product list, where you can input the percentages and pull these percentages in the current module. In this percentage module to can have the Totals of the Products as additional line-items if you want to have some references.

    By default, in multidimensionality, data is stored at the intersection of the base members of ALL lists (dimensions) of an element and any upper cell is a result/calculation of the aggregation methods.

    In Anaplan there is the property "Breakback" on a line-item that let you modify data at higher level, but the modification is pushed to the lowest level usinga as allocation driver the previous data.

    Hope it helps,


  • Thank you both for your insight! These solutions helped me solve the issue and things are flowing once again! I appreciate it greatly.