Is there an easy way to clear prior inputs with a roll forward?

When we roll forward our FP&A model to a new year at the start of our budget cycle all the prior year inputs are kept.
We have to manually go into each section of the model and clear all the inputs/uncheck booleans etc. This is very time consuming.

Does anyone else have the same issue and is there an easy way for us to clear all prior inputs with a roll forward?


  • You can create clear actions for all those modules/line items so that in a single click data is cleared out from all modules.

  • @LisaA see below some options to delete data:

    • If you are using Anaplan Versions, by setting up the Switchover, the data previous of the Switchover month will be deleted
    • If you need to delete ALL data in the model (Actuals, Budget) related to an entire year you can temporarily modify the Time Ranges to delete the previous years and then you can re-modify back the Time.
    • If you need to clear data only in some modules for some line-items but for entire module, you can temporarily add the formula to delete data and delete formula from the line-item. you will have a wiped module.
    • In function of the data type, below the values to delete data :
      • Numeric: formula = 0
      • Boolean: formula = FALSE
      • Any other type (TEXT, Date, List, etc) : formula = BLANK
    • Create for every module an import action to clear data into the desired line-items. you need to create additional line-items with formula above and import the Clear line-items into real line-items to delete the data. You can group the actions into a process to launch it every time you need to clear. The import can be much more controlled with import actions, but still need to spend time to create import actions in all the input modules for all the input line-items.

    Hope it helps,


  • @Dikshant and @alexpavel thank you!
    I am still getting familiar with Anaplan and creating modules/line items myself so I will look into all the options above. It will definitely save a lot of time if we don't have to go and clear old inputs manually. :)