Updation of forecast data in one grid in a UX page updates the same data in another grid & UXpage

edited February 3 in User Experience

I have two different UX page sourced from 2 different models. The requirement is that in one UX page there is a grid where the users can update forecast data month-wise for various cost centers , like wise in the second UX page also the users can also update the forecast data. Now the requirement is that in both the grids there are many cost centers which are common so when the users update the forecast data in one ux page then for the same cost center in the second ux page also the forecast data should get updated and vice-versa. Is this something that is feasible?

Best Answers

  • Dikshant
    Answer ✓

    You can create a model-to-model import action, and that will push the data from Model A to Model B and vice versa. So once the user enters the data in Model A, you can automate those actions so that every hour those action run and update the data. Also, you can push those actions to the UX page as well, in case users want to refresh the data in real time.

  • AjayM
    Answer ✓

    A manual trigger or a less frequent automated run are better options, since hourly refresh keeps model busy every hour (duration of model lock depends on amount of data being transported and underlying referenced calculations).


  • If I understand correctly both the UX pages source modules and models are different so when user enters data in any one UX page the other page also data needs to be updated.
    Above stated can be achieved using Model to model import actions provide the actions created on the respective UX pages after the data load ask the user to run the action or schedule them based on need.

    How do you plan to manage the data change tracking example if user 1 changes cost center data from X number → Y number in UX of Model 1 and import to other Model 2 the data gets updated but in model 2 data needs to be X only in such case handling or tracking becomes difficult.