Summary values according to two list/line items

edited February 3 in Modeling

I have a module "details" dimensioned by a list 'orders' which is a hierarchal list . Structure of module looks like this :-

one of the line items is 'Amount' and one is 'Plant location'

in another module "Summary" i want to summarize the figures of this module according to plant, this module is also dimensioned by same list as of Module 'Details' which is 'Orders'.

Right now i am brainstorming on this.

Since there are only 5 possible values of 'plant', i have created a list for same and in both modules i have another line item formatted by this list with finditem formula so that i can use lookup later on.

Any ideas will be helpful.


  • Mod A has Amount (number) and Plant Location (list: Plant) format.

    Mod B has Plant list applied.

    Formula in Mod B has to be Mod A.Amount[SUM: Mod A.Plant Location]

  • @Dikshant - Module B doesn't have Plant list applied.
    Module B has same dimension as of Module A, which is list 'Orders'.
    Both modules have plant as list formatted line item.

  • So in Mod B, you need the sum of all plants, right?

    So follow the same step create a new module (Mod X) with dimension as plants

    Formula in Mod X has to be Mod A.Amount[SUM: Mod A.Plant Location]

    And then in Mod B, which has order dimensions, write the formula: Mod B.Amount[LOOKUP: Plants] considering you have a list formatted Plant line item in Mod B.